Just over a week ago I went to bed one night with the room spinning. No I wasn't drunk, as haven't touched a drop of alcohol since June, to try help my inflammation.
I thought the reason might be I was either tired or having a reaction to something I ate, so would wake up feeling fabulous in the morning.
Not so, I felt really dizzy the next day and all week. I slept most of my days and nights away, just couldn't get enough zzzzz.
By Thursday Bear was extremely worried, so suggested I take my blood pressure. He quickly charged the batteries to our machine, sat me down and away the machine buzzed. The cuff was getting tighter and tighter the higher it was going up. Then it came down, eeekkkk, sure enough the reading was sky high.
My phone was pinging, so I checked my messages to find Baker and Kanga asking how I was going. When I told then my bp they were both shocked, then I informed them Bear was shopping, I was going to take a nap.
I swear I could hear them both yelling
'No you're not, take your bp again.'
I did and it was still high. all I wanted to do was have a nap, those annoying girls keeping me awake, grr. After toing and froing for a bit with me being stubborn and them telling me to ring the ER, they finally convinced me to ring nurse on call.
I was thinking this is all over reacting, I'm alright, I hate making trouble just want to go to sleep.
In the end I rang just to give them peace of mind. The nurse asked me 100 and one questions, then said with everything you've told me you have to either go see your gp or go to the ER within 6 hours. What, oh no that doesn't sound good. She asked me if I wanted her to ring my doctor or an ambulance.
'No thanks I'll be fine.'
Before hanging up she asked me what I would have done if my friends hadn't insisted I call her. When I told her waited until tomorrow, she laughed.
I rang my clinic straight away expecting them to say no available appointments. They told me to come in, so next step was to ring Bear at shopping. My one thought was he will be angry with me for interrupting. Silly me!
He was extremely concerned all along. Off we trotted to the doctors where she took my bp. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head.
Relax, take some deep breaths and we'll try again. Pump pump pump up goes the thingymebob. Oh dear not looking good!
She then proceeded to look through my history asking questions. Also checked my last blood test results. Found some worrying information which my other doctor never bothered to relay to me. Finally decided I needed to come off one medication which might be causing this problem and go on blood pressure meds. Took her about 30 minutes to find some which are suitable and not contain gluten. Why on earth do they add gluten to medication?
I left there with strict instructions to take my bp daily and if it goes up again to ring her straight away. So far it has been high but not overly high. Until lunch time today when I took it.
WWWEEEELLLL my advice to you all, don't take your bp whilst you man talks sexy and threatens to twist your nipples.
Boy did my bp sky rocket way over 200. After I calmed down and rechecked, it was back to my usual high. I'm not out of the woods yet, but staying positive things will improve.
So I owe both Baker and Kanga a huge thank you for possibly saving my life. Both Bear and I appreciate your nagging me into doing the right thing. Sorry I was so stubborn! LOL!
Thank you my lovely friends.
Hugs Lindy xx