Ella from Ella Ever After created a great meme and I have watched you all do these before, so thought I would join in this time.
1. Take a look at the walls in your home. Which picture/object is your favourite and why? Bonus points if you post a picture!
Can't post a picture but our daughter did a cross stitch of Bear and I as a house warming gift when we move. It is in a gorgeous frame with butterflies and peacock feathers.
2. What is/are your favourite perfume(s)?
I have two one is WHITE DIAMONDS by Elizabeth Taylor and the other is Vanderbuilt.
3. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Have you ever hidden new shoes from your spouse?
I have trouble finding shoes that are comfortable so don't buy many. I have a pair of sandals for summer, sneakers, boots and shoes for winter. My favourite are my boots I received for my last birthday. No I have never hid them.
4. Snacks - Sweet, Salty, or Both? If you could choose 1 snack, and it magically had no calories, what would it be?
I don't usually eat snacks but if I could eat anything it would be flavoured chips.. I am coeliac so can't eat them unfortunately.
5. What are your favourite cut flowers?
blue iris or pansies.
6. Without using a real name, describe one person in your life with whom you have a hard time being patient.
This would have to be someone married into our family who is a back stabber. Hate it when people are nice to your face yet talk about you behind your back.
7. What food do you love that your spouse hates? What food does your spouse love that is "yeech" to you?
I am on a very strict gluten free/dairy free diet, so Bear will not eat anything that is gluten free. He thinks it will poison him. LOL! Bear loves eating brussel sprouts, they are evil little things.
8. What is a song you associate with meeting your honey?
Bear being a lot older than me kept playing SHE by Charles Avnavor when we first met.
9. Do you have a favourite movie that you like to watch every few months or once a year?
Gosh every year my family watches Christmas Vacation. Both Bear and my son know it word for word.
10. What collection(s) do you have? How did your collection start? (Add a picture if you like.)
I have a few collections shells from our walks along the beach, gnomes and willow tree figurines which are mainly couples.
11. Where would you like to go on your next vacation? Is there somewhere else on your Bucket List?
We have talked about going to New Zealand. I am happy just exploring parts of Australia though that we haven't seen.
12. If you could only buy clothes at one store, at what store would you shop?
Not fussy about where I buy my clothes as long as they feel good on.
13. What gift(s) from your spouse have been the most loved and appreciated?
My love sphere for our last special anniversary.
14. Name one item of your spouse's clothing that you would love to throw away.
He has just purchased new clothes recently and sent all his old ones to the op shop. So nothing really.
15. What is the submissive action (or inaction) of which you are most proud?
Letting Bear tell the same story repeatedly. So many other people say to him that they have already heard that and he gets very hurt by it. so I just try to listen for the millionth time.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
When things go wrong.
Last night Bear pulled me across his knee in bed and started his usual bongo session to some sort of tune on my backside. After he had warmed me up he reached for his belt. Maybe after six strokes he miscalculated striking my thighs instead. The spanking wasn't very hard and we were both having fun. Until Bear noticed my legs were bleeding where he hit my thighs. He felt terrible about it and I reassured him it was no big deal. At that stage it wasn't hurting or anything. I had trouble falling asleep as the pain intensified during the night and there was actually blood on the sheets. Bear was horrified he had caused this and even today feels shocking for doing it to me.
Has this happened to anyone else? How can I make Bear feel better about this situation, as I don't want him turning against this lifestyle for fear of hurting me in the future.
Has this happened to anyone else? How can I make Bear feel better about this situation, as I don't want him turning against this lifestyle for fear of hurting me in the future.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Just a short post re my scan yesterday to make you laugh.
My grandchildren have asked me over the years what was it like living in the dinosaur era.
Well yesterday proved that I must have, as this is what my scan found.
My grandchildren have asked me over the years what was it like living in the dinosaur era.
Well yesterday proved that I must have, as this is what my scan found.
So now it is confirmed Nanny is a dinosaur after all.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Grouchy Bear has gone back into hibernation, hopefully for the rest of winter. My sweet cuddly bear is back and spoiling me so much. He has been doing practically everything around the house.
Anyway last night I was preparing dinner when he came out with a dare to make an extra hot curry. He said there will be a pants down spanking and tears before bedtime. So I took on the challenge and nailed it. His first mouthful took his breath away. YES! Funny this is the man who couldn't stand curries until the last few months and now all of a sudden he wants really hot ones.
So the night progressed as usual until we went to bed. Bear laid down in bed and said how cold it was, but he would soon be warming me up. He sat himself up against the bedhead and pulled me over his knee. Before I was even in position he started with a few swats. Once in position he started out slowly, then increased his tempo. Bear likes to give hand spankings to a tune, so he uses my bottom as a drum playing double handed, if you can imagine that. They always turn out light at first and as the tune progresses the strength increases.
I was lying there enjoying it and felt really calm, then he produced his belt.
The real spanking begun then with a lot of effort put into each stroke. After a while I started squirming around on his knee but he seemed to take that as a challenge as got in double shots. He seemed to be going on forever and stopping every now and then to admire his handy work and the red welts he was leaving. We both wound up in fits of laughter the longer it went on. Once he finished he declared that it was heaps of fun. Then we went on to other enjoyable things. Was a really nice night.
Finally heard from my specialist yesterday about a blood test I had last week for my back. He sent me for a scan to see what is going on. Will keep you informed once I hear the results. My back is starting to improve though thank goodness.
Anyway last night I was preparing dinner when he came out with a dare to make an extra hot curry. He said there will be a pants down spanking and tears before bedtime. So I took on the challenge and nailed it. His first mouthful took his breath away. YES! Funny this is the man who couldn't stand curries until the last few months and now all of a sudden he wants really hot ones.
So the night progressed as usual until we went to bed. Bear laid down in bed and said how cold it was, but he would soon be warming me up. He sat himself up against the bedhead and pulled me over his knee. Before I was even in position he started with a few swats. Once in position he started out slowly, then increased his tempo. Bear likes to give hand spankings to a tune, so he uses my bottom as a drum playing double handed, if you can imagine that. They always turn out light at first and as the tune progresses the strength increases.
I was lying there enjoying it and felt really calm, then he produced his belt.
The real spanking begun then with a lot of effort put into each stroke. After a while I started squirming around on his knee but he seemed to take that as a challenge as got in double shots. He seemed to be going on forever and stopping every now and then to admire his handy work and the red welts he was leaving. We both wound up in fits of laughter the longer it went on. Once he finished he declared that it was heaps of fun. Then we went on to other enjoyable things. Was a really nice night.
Finally heard from my specialist yesterday about a blood test I had last week for my back. He sent me for a scan to see what is going on. Will keep you informed once I hear the results. My back is starting to improve though thank goodness.
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Do you ever feel like all the stars are aligned, you are on top of the world and life is absolutely perfect? You are in such a happy blissful place. I am always too scared to voice this when it does happen, as I know what goes up must come down. Sure enough it always comes down harder than you expect.
Bear and I have been settling in well to our country/seaside living and finally getting to meet nice people. We joined a group of similar newbies to the area, so all in the same boat. Where we live unless your grandparents and parents were born in the district you are not accepted and we had been told by several people this fact. It made us very disheartened and regretted moving so far away from our family to this new area. When we used to visit for holidays everyone made us really welcome, then it was a different story once we became residents.
So we felt like we were getting somewhere with this new group and were enjoying socialising with them. I found out they also had a walking group and water aerobics, which I was really looking forward to participating in.
Anyway fast forward a week and Bear goes on his usual early morning bike ride. It is such a beautiful morning I decide to go for my walk rather than wait until after lunch. A little bell rings in my head that maybe this is not a good idea especially since Bear prefers me to go when he is home. This is in case I run into any trouble. Silly me ignored the ringing bells, got dressed and away I went. Half way around the block I had a few niggling pains in my lower back, yet thought I would be able to walk through this. I walked my usual route to go look at the beach as this always blows the cob webs away and makes me feel energised. I stay admiring the scenery for a while before heading home. On my way back I notice a group of people gathered at one of the look outs. So I stop there for a while to see if perhaps there is a whale in the bay. I arrive back before Bear which is good, not so good though is my back deteriorated and by the time I arrived home I could hardly move.
I knew I was going to be in so much trouble once Bear found out and was really worried. Anyway he arrived home around lunch time, had his shower and then I explained my predicament. Wow he was like a bear with a sore head and I was in so much trouble. He gave me a really long lecture about how foolish I was, I was surprised he didn't give me a spanking at that stage. Although I think I would have preferred that to the lecture.
The next day we were heading interstate to our nearest big shopping centre and the car trip, which was 90 minutes just about killed me. When we arrived I could hardly move. Luckily Bear had packed my walker so I struggled to walk into the shops with that. After walking around for a bit we sat down for lunch, then Bear went to the supermarket to buy some groceries. When he arrived back I stood up ready to go to look at more shops and was a bit grumpy with him. So to my surprise he gave me a hard swat. He never usually does this in public. It sent an electric shock right up my back and almost made me collapse.
So bear has decided that spanking is off the to do list at the moment as he is frightened of causing further injury. I'm finding that I am getting antsy though and craving that connection which I know sounds crazy. Guess until I am out of my flare this is how it will be, just hope it doesn't last too long or I will be crawling up the walls.
Bear and I have been settling in well to our country/seaside living and finally getting to meet nice people. We joined a group of similar newbies to the area, so all in the same boat. Where we live unless your grandparents and parents were born in the district you are not accepted and we had been told by several people this fact. It made us very disheartened and regretted moving so far away from our family to this new area. When we used to visit for holidays everyone made us really welcome, then it was a different story once we became residents.
So we felt like we were getting somewhere with this new group and were enjoying socialising with them. I found out they also had a walking group and water aerobics, which I was really looking forward to participating in.
Anyway fast forward a week and Bear goes on his usual early morning bike ride. It is such a beautiful morning I decide to go for my walk rather than wait until after lunch. A little bell rings in my head that maybe this is not a good idea especially since Bear prefers me to go when he is home. This is in case I run into any trouble. Silly me ignored the ringing bells, got dressed and away I went. Half way around the block I had a few niggling pains in my lower back, yet thought I would be able to walk through this. I walked my usual route to go look at the beach as this always blows the cob webs away and makes me feel energised. I stay admiring the scenery for a while before heading home. On my way back I notice a group of people gathered at one of the look outs. So I stop there for a while to see if perhaps there is a whale in the bay. I arrive back before Bear which is good, not so good though is my back deteriorated and by the time I arrived home I could hardly move.
I knew I was going to be in so much trouble once Bear found out and was really worried. Anyway he arrived home around lunch time, had his shower and then I explained my predicament. Wow he was like a bear with a sore head and I was in so much trouble. He gave me a really long lecture about how foolish I was, I was surprised he didn't give me a spanking at that stage. Although I think I would have preferred that to the lecture.
The next day we were heading interstate to our nearest big shopping centre and the car trip, which was 90 minutes just about killed me. When we arrived I could hardly move. Luckily Bear had packed my walker so I struggled to walk into the shops with that. After walking around for a bit we sat down for lunch, then Bear went to the supermarket to buy some groceries. When he arrived back I stood up ready to go to look at more shops and was a bit grumpy with him. So to my surprise he gave me a hard swat. He never usually does this in public. It sent an electric shock right up my back and almost made me collapse.
So bear has decided that spanking is off the to do list at the moment as he is frightened of causing further injury. I'm finding that I am getting antsy though and craving that connection which I know sounds crazy. Guess until I am out of my flare this is how it will be, just hope it doesn't last too long or I will be crawling up the walls.
Thursday, 16 July 2015
I dipped my toe into the water recently by writing a story for PK's Fantasy Friday, which was awesome and decided to take a further plunge to see how it feels. I have been hiding and lurking for nearly two years, my interest started again after reading fifty shades and blogs.
My wonderful husband and I have been married for over 35 years with adult children and lot of grandies. I am Lindy and I will call my husband Bear. Life has been pretty kind to us most of the time although we have had our ups and downs like any other couple. When we first became engaged we partook in a bit of TTWD which went by the wayside once the children came along. Bear was always working afternoon or night shift, so our only real time together was on weekends. Once our children were old enough, we started having special date nights on Saturdays so we could reconnect. We have become each others best friend and soul mate. Our children left home but appeared we had revolving doors as they all kept coming back again and again to live for different reasons. We eventually became empty nesters though.
Life went along smoothly, then Bear retired and we made the BIG move to a little seaside, country town. After a visit from our daughter in law where she commented on fifty shades being disgusting I was tempted to read it as you do, and of course enjoyed it. It re-ignited our venture into TTWD and put a new spark in our lives. We don't actually have rules to follow except I am supposed to keep active and healthy to prevent one of my auto-immune diseases from deteriorating. So guess we mainly partake in fun spankings as Bear says I am a good girl all the time. Until I read everyone else's blogs and discussed them with Bear we hid the fact we like this lifestyle and thought there must have been something wrong with us. So glad to finally realise there are other couples out in this world who also enjoy TTWD and in particular other couples around our age. Bear is still a bit hesitant about it all and says it is just between us. Which I agree as would never dream of telling our family or friends.
There are heaps of things I would like to eventually ask and get other bloggers opinions. Will wait though for the appropriate time. Well think I will finish up now, as I don't want to bore you any further. Hope to become friends with you all and keep in touch.
hugs Lindy from Australia
My wonderful husband and I have been married for over 35 years with adult children and lot of grandies. I am Lindy and I will call my husband Bear. Life has been pretty kind to us most of the time although we have had our ups and downs like any other couple. When we first became engaged we partook in a bit of TTWD which went by the wayside once the children came along. Bear was always working afternoon or night shift, so our only real time together was on weekends. Once our children were old enough, we started having special date nights on Saturdays so we could reconnect. We have become each others best friend and soul mate. Our children left home but appeared we had revolving doors as they all kept coming back again and again to live for different reasons. We eventually became empty nesters though.
Life went along smoothly, then Bear retired and we made the BIG move to a little seaside, country town. After a visit from our daughter in law where she commented on fifty shades being disgusting I was tempted to read it as you do, and of course enjoyed it. It re-ignited our venture into TTWD and put a new spark in our lives. We don't actually have rules to follow except I am supposed to keep active and healthy to prevent one of my auto-immune diseases from deteriorating. So guess we mainly partake in fun spankings as Bear says I am a good girl all the time. Until I read everyone else's blogs and discussed them with Bear we hid the fact we like this lifestyle and thought there must have been something wrong with us. So glad to finally realise there are other couples out in this world who also enjoy TTWD and in particular other couples around our age. Bear is still a bit hesitant about it all and says it is just between us. Which I agree as would never dream of telling our family or friends.
There are heaps of things I would like to eventually ask and get other bloggers opinions. Will wait though for the appropriate time. Well think I will finish up now, as I don't want to bore you any further. Hope to become friends with you all and keep in touch.
hugs Lindy from Australia
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