Friday, 30 March 2018


Have you ever had those moments where you feel on top of the world.  Everything is going extremely well, your eating a healthy diet, exercising heaps and happy as Larry.

Then you come crashing down with a huge thump back down to earth. I know they say what goes up must come down but REALLY, why can't I stay on my happy journey without all these hiccups. So disappointed!

Saturday I felt fabulous so did an extra long ride on my bike.

Sunday I was so full of energy I couldn't sit still, I felt like the energiser bunny.

Monday Bear and I went shopping so I doubled my step count which felt absolutely wonderful for someone who couldn't walk not that long ago.

Then come Tuesday morning we both felt blergh, swollen glands, sore throats, aching all over.  So no exercising since.

I even cheated having an ice cream to sooth my sore throat. Oh well it was a good enough excuse for me. LOL!

I've decided  seeing I've been doing so much exercise for the past 8 weeks, yet the scales aren't budging to pull out the big guns.  So I've started the 16-8 fasting method where you fast for 16 hours then eat in the 8 hour window.  My eating starts around midday 12 o'clock and finishes at 8pm.  For breakfast I have a huge cup of tea and that's it.  I think it will take me a while to adjust to not having breakfast, looking forward to some results though with those scales.

Next week I think will be hard with Easter.  I've found some delicious chocolate hot cross buns in the supermarket.  Usually in the past the gluten free hot cross buns have been disgusting, these ones are really nice.  Yes I've cheated by sampling a few already.

Then on Saturday we are off to meet our family at the half way mark for our celebration.  There will be plenty of delicious temptations to eat,  Bear is making  a carrot cake at the request of D2.  Luckily its going to be gluten free or I would be throwing a tanty.

Hope everyone else has had a good week.

Don't over indulge with Easter or get hopping like the bunny to burn off those calories.

Happy Easter!
Hugs Lindy xx


  1. Hi Lindy, Oh what a shame, we always seem to be derailed by something. Hope you and your family have a Happy Easter celebration together.
    love Jan, xx

    1. Thank you so much Jan. I hope you have a very Happy Easter also.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  2. Hmmm, I could not go that long without eating, I do get your frustration, you have a great week, do everything dare that scale not move!!!! Hang in there, it will happen...Happy Easter enjoy it! hugs abby

    1. Thank you Abby, it is hard to get used to the not eating until lunch time. Better make a difference or else I might just pig out on all the yummy easter eggs. LOL!
      Hope you and your family have a Happy Easter
      Hugs Lindy xx

  3. Did you know that women are advised to fast only 14 hours? However if 16 work for you thats fine... Get well soon.

    1. Thank you for that information. No I didn't know that, very interesting.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  4. I agree with the Easter temptations. I am a sucker for Cadbury Creme Eggs.

    True Confessions From Ella

    1. Yum they are delicious Ella. My weakness is the Lindt bunnies, the chocolate is so creamy. Haven't been able to have one since being diagnosed with coeliacs, so I'm happy this year they are gluten free. WOOHOO!
      Hugs Lindy xx

  5. You're still doing well, Miss Lindy. Just do what you can do, when you can. Have a lovely holiday.

    1. Thank you Baker, I'm trying my best.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  6. Hi Lindy,

    You are do so well, try not to be too dishearten by the scales, they only tell part of the story, it's how you are feeling that counts. I'm sorry you and Bear have been under the weather and hope you are both fee feeling better soon.

    Easter isn't going to help any of us with FFF lol. I'm a total sucker for all the chocolate!

    Happy Easter, have a wonderful weekend and enjoy :)


    1. Thanks Roz, don't eat too many choice treats. Have a good weekend.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  7. Enjoy your carrot cake Lindy and your holiday!
    As for the rest? Yes, its the bigger picture :-)

    1. Thank you Bleue, the carrot cake was delicious.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  8. Lindy, Happy Easter to you and Bear. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter celebration. Never tried the intermittent dieting but have done the 5-2 diet a few times.


    1. Thank you Ronnie, we had a wonderful time, yet it went way too fast.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  9. Lindy,
    Here is what I found....... when I exercised over the top, I would be so hungry that I felt like eating the door of the fridge. A helpful friend told me to remember that the weight did not come on in a few days/weeks and it will take more than a few weeks to turn things around. Life-long habits are what you are changing. Good luck to you as you make your way. I put on pants this morning that I thought might not fit, and was so happy when they did. Slow and steady, Lindy.

    1. Thank you Meredith. Yes a life time of bad habits needing to be changed. Good for you fitting into those pants.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  10. I think when trying to be healthy you have to realize you can't do it ALL the time, every day. Have to allow for holidays, fun, celebratory dinners, and yes, times where you just want an ice cream, or an eating party.

    As long as you get back on the horse and keep going, I think that's what matters.

    Have a joyous Easter!

    1. Very wise words Lea. Having a bit of a break over the weekend and will definitely be back on the horse during the week.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  11. Don't worry too much about the scales, but do give IF a go, it might work better for you than for me!

    Also, take a look at this so you don't worry too much if you DO eat within the 16 hours.

    1. Thank you Fondles. Sorry IF didn't work for you, hopefully it might budge a bit of weight for me.
      Thanks for the web address.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  12. Hey Lindy, Happy Easter and glad to hear there were the grand days and not just the not-so-special days. I never heard of the 16/8 but it sounds reasonable. Let's both give it a go this week and wee what happens. I'll be looking forward to FFF10 results!

    1. Cool Amy will be good to have someone joining me with 16/8.
      See if it makes a difference.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  13. Sorry you were under the weather, Lindy, so frustrating for you. My weight is usually fairly stable but I put on a few pounds last summer and added a few more over Christmas. My elder daughter told me about the 16/8 IF diet. I find it easy to do and have been losing at a steady 1lb a week. Hope it works for you too!
    Rosie xx

    1. Thanks Rosie. Maybe I need to exchange ideas with you about the 16/8IF.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  14. I thought I wrote on this last week, so if you get two comments from me, I'm sorry. I think a sore throat is a great excuse for ice cream, and one I've used several times this summer. :P I just wanted to share what has happened to me. Last year I worked really hard at exercising, getting 12k steps in a day, eating healthy, and the scales weren't budging. 6 months, 8 months, nothing. I felt SOOO discouraged. And then in 3 months 25lbs came off, literally, one morning I weighed 7lbs less than the day before, and I got on the scales like 10 times that day because it didn't make sense. lol Over Christmas I gained 4lbs, :( But now, I just went through four months or no weight loss again since November, and last week lost 5lbs out of the blue... so not sure that will help encourage you any, but I remember there were days I was so tired from trying that I actually ended up with some tears, and didn't know where to go for encouragement.
    Hugs, EsMay

    1. Thank you so much EsMay for the encouragement. That does help lift my spirits. It seems to get harder the lose weight the older we get I guess, but you are still young.
      Hugs Lindy xx



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