Saturday, 17 March 2018


I attended a function yesterday which was a  bring a plate.  As I'm the only coeliac in my group I knew there wouldn't be anything else for me to eat apart from my own food. So I took   some vegetables sticks with hommus and dry biscuits (crackers) to share.  As I had predicted it was the only suitable food for me to eat. 

Everyone else had a table laden with sandwiches, cakes, slices and other yummy looking treats. It was all going well until someone dunked their biscuit in my hommus. Needless to say I was devastated, as this meant I could no longer eat it due to cross contamination.  Others might think this is no big deal but I am highly sensitive and one crumb makes me sick for weeks.
I sat there watching everyone consuming all the goodies, practically drooling. LOL! When I arrived home I had a whinge to Bear about this.  He did come up with a good suggestion for next time, to take a sealed lunch box with my own food as well as a share plate. 

As the afternoon progressed he could tell I was still upset by all this and I did have a sookie lala about it all. When you were growing up did you parents ever say 'If you don't stop crying I'll give you something to cry about?' Whilst I was sooking Bear gave me a might hard  wallop which was on my back rather than   my bottom.  So I went into his music room to find a red highlighter, then proceeded to draw a target on each of my bottom cheeks. 

Went back out, told Bear this is where you need to aim, then he gave me a wonderful spanking which cheered me up.  Funny how a spanking can turn me from a sook into a happy person. 
He kept going on about the marker being permanent, saying he hopes I don't have a flare needing to go to hospital.  How would I explain the target marks!  At bed time he took advantage of the target to get some practice in, I went to sleep with a huge smile on my face.
Today he is still teasing me about the targets saying the hospital will ask questions if I have to go in for anything. LOL! Hopefully it will eventually wash off.


Have a good weekend everyone.
Hugs Lindy xx


  1. Hi Lindy,

    I so don't blame you for feeling that way, all those delicious goodies you can't eat. Not fair! Glad Bear was able to help you feel better. The targets made me laugh. I hope they wear off quickly!


    1. Thank you Roz, I also hope they wear off quickly. wouldn't want anyone else seeing them.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  2. Hi Lindy, I am sorry but this did make me laugh, whatever possessed you to use a marker pen!! Hope it wears off. Maybe he will spank you every day until it does as he has a guide....
    love Jan, xx

    1. You can have a good laugh Jan, we have been all day. He has been taking advantage of the bulls eyes with several spanks during the day today. Oh what fun, if I knew it would work like this I would have done it long ago. LOL!
      Hugs Lindy xx

  3. I love it - the perfect tattoo! And as for the hospital, I'm sure they've seen stranger. I like Bears idea about taking a private plate as well as something to share. Or you need to clearly label your plate to tell others about cross contamination. It's just a good thing you saw it.

    1. Thank you PK. Maybe I should have it permanently tattooed on, seems to be keeping Bear happy.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  4. I promise you i would have felt the same way about being at the party and not being able to eat anything. And i' super glad that you found a way to shake the mood off. I like the idea about making sure you have a plate of food you can safely eat too! The target's are brilliant. :)

    1. Thank you Olivia. I will remember next time to take my own as well as a share plate. Never thought about it before.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  5. Lindy! You are too cute. Eric and I have a red sharpie in our bedside drawer because he likes to draw a heart on my ass after he spanks me. :) It's hard when society centers our interactions with each other around food. Wish I was closer. We'd be taking a walk instead. :) Amy

    1. Thank you Amy, I would have loved you to rescue me and go walking together. Hope your knee is improving. That's funny Eric likes to draw red hearts on you. Very romantic.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  6. The targets, I love it. I'm sorry about you having to deal with that. My cousin has Celiac's and when I know she's coming I make sure I have lots of options for her!

    1. AWW that is so sweet of you to cater for your cousin. Wish there were more people like you around Lea.
      Hugs Lindy xx

  7. Bears idea to bring a separate plate for just yourself is a great idea. That is what we usually do for my son...we pack him all the food that he can eat in his own containers and then bring stuff to share. That way he has his own food to enjoy and does not have to worry about cross contamination. He usually gets to choose what I make to share so he some some favorites. :-) I understand how disappointing that would be. If ever you come for a visit I will have lots of special treats and meals for you to enjoy with no worry of cross contamination! :-) Hugs

    1. Thanks Terps, would love to visit as I know you make some really amazing things. One day!
      Hugs Lindy xx



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